Month: July 2016

Sneak Peek 2: Çifta

Sneak Peek 2: Çifta

Dear Gemma, In the several days that have passed since I arrived, I have decided that Solana Palace must be hiding some horrifically dark secrets—adulterous trysts, sinister political intrigues, gossips with vile intentions, murderers masquerading as charming nobles....

Interview with Kia

Interview with Kia

Watch this March 11, 2022 interview with Kia Carrington-Russell of Bound by Books.

Deleted Scene from a blossom at midnight; aster’s point of view

Deleted Scene from a blossom at midnight; aster’s point of view

  When I wrote the first draft of A Blossom at Midnight, I included the points of view of several characters in addition to Jessamine, Laec and Çifta. Those points of view were deleted in later edits. Here is a short, 1600 word scene written from the point of...

Deleted Scene from a blossom at midnight; aster’s point of view

Deleted Scene from A Blossom at Midnight

When I wrote the first draft of A Blossom at Midnight, I included the points of view of several characters in addition to Jessamine, Laec and Çifta. Those points of view were deleted in later edits. Here is one scene written from the point of view of Prince Ander....



Welcome, readers, to my re-vamped website. Whether you have been reading my books since the very beginning—Thank You!—or are just dipping your toes into the worlds I create, I appreciate you, because without you I couldn’t support my family with my scribbles. It is...

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