
I am A.L. Knorr, USA Today bestselling author and award-winning fantasy writer. My full name is Abby-Lynn, but that was too long to slap on a book cover. I am Abby or even Abs to friends and family. I’m Canadian but I live on the Mediterranean coast with my husband, a talented chef—which is handy because I struggle with toast. Since leaving Canada I’ve traded in my snowboard and mountain bike for bottles of sunscreen and a snorkel. Why not hang out where the mermaids are? They love the Mediterranean too. My first six books, The Elemental Origins series, were partly written during time spent in Italy and the UK. I love travelling! You can read about some of my exploits in Journal: News & Updates.

Why write? Because I can’t not write. I just don’t feel right when I don’t write. I have more fun inside my head than I do in the real world. I believe that life is storytelling. Whether it’s on stage, screen, page, or just a chat over a coffee with a friend, we learn through the stories we consume and the stories we share. My head has always been full of stories, and when there are a lot of characters bumping elbows in your brain, well, the only remedy is to get them down on paper and into someone else’s head.

Abby with books

Most of my protagonists are young women. These characters are fun to write because they’re complicated and sometimes they do weird stuff. Readers tell me they enjoy the strong female protagonists and vivid characters, so I must be doing something right. You can read unedited excerpts from my current book in Journal: Work-In-Progress. Note that these are posted while the books are in progress and are subject to change. Every book page contains at least one full chapter sample.

My goal as a writer is to create mesmerizing stories of elemental transformation, adventure, friendship, and love. I write what I enjoy reading, so my books are cuss-free and have no on-page sex. My aim is life-like characters you’ll fall in love with and well-crafted plots that keep you turning pages late into the night. Sometimes these characters keep me up at night, wanting me to tell more of their story. You can find some of these extra bits in Journal: Bonus Content.

So please, take a look around, check out the FAQs, get lost in the world of mermaids, faeries, fire mages, and demon hunters. If you’d like to connect with me, I’d love to hear from you. Check out the Contact page for options.

Every time I read something written by Abby, I leave behind my chaos and am transported into a different world. She writes so well that I can taste the food, see the battles, and feel the Love that she describes. I am always sad to leave her worlds, but know that I can step back into them at any time.

Mignon Klopper

Abby has a way of throwing the reader a curve in a nice way. Her plots never cease to amaze me!

Phil Allbright

A.L. Knorr’s writing is just amazing and pulls you into the story. Normally I love Sci-Fi or fantasy with lots of action but I am totally hooked on her books. She does have action in her writing, but she also has so much more. . . She builds characters and worlds that just pull you in and seem real. I love her stories and feel like I am living them as I read her books. You really become attached to the characters and what is going on with them.

John Dalco

Abby grabs your attention from the very beginning. She draws you into the story. You are right there watching it happen!

Laura Wenzel

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