Month: August 2022

Kindle Unlimited – Awesome for the Insatiable Reader

If you're a voracious reader and you haven't heard of the Kindle Unlimited program, step right up, are you in for a treat. For only a tenner a month you can have unlimited access to over 1 million titles registered in Amazon's KDP Select program. It doesn't matter...

Best YA Mermaid Stories

For those of you who love mermaid/siren stories, here is a list of great YA Fantasy Fiction centred around our fin-ful friends. The Siren Kahlen is a Siren, bound to serve the Ocean by luring humans to watery graves with her voice, which is deadly to any human who...

What’s On Deck?

I'm currently working on Born of Earth and as of the date this post was published, I'm sitting around 50,000 words. This is where things usually get tough (so I've learned), so I'm glued to my laptop with visions of desiccated bodies and fairy-folk dancing in my...

Book Review: Poison Study by Maria V Snyder

This book will always hold a special place in my heart. Why? Because two and a half years ago, I lost my reading mojo and lost the ability to complete a book. This is the first book I was able to finish all the way to the end in over two years. And that, my friend, is...

Working From Italy

Working From Italy

I've had a lot of people ask me what it's like to live and work from Italy, and while I can't do it justice in a simple blog post, I can give you a small glimpse of my life here. I live in Trentino, which is a region of Italy far to the North, near the top of the...

Born of Water: Bonus Chapter

Born of Water: Bonus Chapter

Spoiler alert! This posting is only for those who have read Born of Water and are interested in the bonus content. Note: as of November 2021, this scene is included in the book. Antoni, Mom, and I stood on the tarmac near the small Novak twin-prop. Ivan was already on...

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