Month: September 2023

What On Earth is A.L. Knorr Up To – November 2017

Bless me readers for I have sinned, its been 3 months since my last update...there has been a lot happening this autumn, so I'll dive right in! Where in the World is A.L. Knorr? Right now I am in a little Tuscan town about 20 minutes out of Florence called Impruneta....

Deleted Scene : Petra’s Testing in Hiroki’s Lab

Deleted Scene : Petra’s Testing in Hiroki’s Lab

(unedited) We passed over miles and miles of forested wilderness, the shadow of our small insectile helicopter skating over the tops of the trees like those little bugs that can float on water. Just as it seemed as though the bush would never end, I spotted something...

Creating a Whole New Fantasy Universe with Martha Carr

When Martha Carr approached me about writing in the new urban fantasy universe called Oriceran, I didn't hesitate to say yes! Working with her and Michael Anderle is a wonderful learning experience and an absolute blast. I was naturally curious about how the whole...

State of the U on August 2, 2017

Where is the World is A.L. Knorr? I'm in Canmore, Alberta! I'm enjoying plenty of time with my mountain bike and my mountain bikey friends, as well as friends who abstain from rolling down mountains on wheels. I did a whirlwind vacation with a bestie from college and...

Announcing a NEW Collaborative Urban Fantasy Universe!

I'm so stoked that I can finally spill the beans on this. Michael Anderle and Martha Carr have been working behind the curtain on bringing a new Urban Fantasy universe to life: The Revelations of Oriceran. They've pulled together a whole bunch of talent to create...

Why I’m Launching Pyro before Born of Air

A reader recently asked my why I'm launching a Saxony story before Born of Air has been released yet, and the answer has two parts: First, the events that occur in Pyro take place right when Saxony gets home from Venice. Chronologically speaking, the story of Pyro has...

Author Brand Basics by Felicity Henson

If you’re a self-published author, you’ve probably heard that having an author brand is important. But you might be unsure how to build one or why you should focus on it. The answer is simple: an author brand creates continuous and consistent communication with...

The Results of the ‘New Siren Story’ Survey

Last week, I posted a survey asking readers for feedback on a new story I'll be writing for a special boxed set. The results are in, as you can see with the pretty pie chart to the right. The as yet untitled Sea & Sky themed boxed set which will be published by...

State of the U on June 11, 2017

"Where in the world are you now?" I hear that a lot. Also, "What is your phone number right now?" The funny thing is that more than half the time, I don't even know, and have to check my phone! The life of a transient writer embodies the rolling stone (not the band......

Death of Nicodemo. A Companion Short Story to Born of Fire.

Death of Nicodemo. A Companion Short Story to Born of Fire.

This short story is written for those who have read Born of Fire. It is not a happy scene, and perhaps would be more appropriately categorized as horror over fantasy. Maybe don't read it unless you've a penchant for the dark... Consider yourself warned.    Dante...

Why You Should Write a Review, Even If No One Ever Reads It

Part of being an author seems to be asking, if not begging, for reviews. I think the current number of readers to reviews is something like 1%. Why do so few readers leave reviews? My guess is that the biggest reason is that it takes time, and the reader doesn't get...

Where Is She Going With This Series?!

If you've read Born of Water: An Elemental Origins Novel and/or Born of Fire: An Elemental Origins Novel then you'll already be wise to the fact that there is a series going on here, and you'll know that the 4 girls/women introduced in Born of Water are all friends,...

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