Mermaid’s Return

Series Complete

A young mermaid swimming through the kelp of the deep ocean feels an urge to return to land. Her salt-cycle is ending and her land-cycle must begin, to find a mate and produce a daughter. Sirens have followed these cycles for generations uncounted: it is the only way for the species to survive.

So Mira swims north, back to the east coast of Canada where she entered the water—how many years ago? The Salt has washed that memory from her mind. The only thing she remembers is that she must attract a mate without using her siren’s voice.

Follow Mira as she returns to Saltford, struggles to integrate into human society, and ultimately has to make some hard decisions. Can she resist using her voice to lure Nathan? Can she cope when tragedy strikes? And strikes again?

This series stands alone, but is also the prequel to Born of Water and the Siren’s Curse trilogy. Together the seven books build a new and unexpected vision of merfolk. Dive in to Mermaid’s Return and start at the very beginning.

Available as ebooks, or as a complete set in paperback and audio. Clicking the BUY NOW button will take you to your Amazon store. For additional retailers please click on the book cover.

Mermaid's Return Complete Trilogy  by A.L. Knorr

Also available as a box set in ebook, audiobook and omnibus paperback and hard cover.

What can I say that hasn’t already been said by everyone who loved this series of books except maybe that it needs to be turned into a tv series or a short set of movies. Everything is there to make it all into the big screen of home entertainment. Hopefully it will happen.

Thomas G. Wakefield

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