In preparation for a future project, I’ve been working with a design team to create new covers for the books that kicked off my career and the Elemental Origins universe. Aren’t they pretty?

Don’t get me wrong, I still love the old covers featuring the main characters, but right now in the book world, typography-focused designs are trendy, and I like to have both styles in my arsenal so that I can update them as needed. The originals were made in 2016 and 2017, so it was time for a refresh.

At the moment these typographic based designs are only available as e-books. Unfortunately Amazon does not send automatic updates to customers who already purchased them unless a significant error in a story has been corrected, and that’s not the case here. I checked. I suppose if enough readers request that they update ebooks automatically, maybe they would eventually change this.

If you haven’t started this contemporary fantasy series featuring some pretty intriguing and lovable characters, now is the perfect time to start. And, for September ONLY, the box set is available for $4.99!

Click on the covers to go to your Amazon store for the individual books.

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